Shaolin Kung Fu is a complete way to stay active and fit and trains both body and mind.
Kung Fu Classes
Shaolin Kung Fu is a martial art that was born in the Songshan Shaolin Temple’s (Henan, China) Buddhist cultural environment and has been evolving for the last 1500 years. With roots in Yin Yang and the Five Elements Theory, it evolved as a way to support Buddhist practice and is a manifestation of the spirit of traditional Chinese culture.
Demonstration at the Met by students of Manhattan Shaolin.
This is a complete workout that develops strength, balance, flexibility, stamina, and explosive power with stretches, plyometric drills and calisthenics. In addition to the incredible physical conditioning you receive, you will also experience improved mental proficiency. Traditional Northern Shaolin is a profound art – practicing its beautiful, functional movements will sharpen your memory and concentration but its ultimate ambition is to unite mind and body. We are honored to teach the Taolu (forms), centuries old routines that have been composed of various martial arts techniques and movements.